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#008 - Ronin

Cyber Ninja X



Ronin (Japanese: サイバー幽霊侍 Cyber Ghost Samurai) is a dual-type Mutant/Cyborg Vessel introduced in Genesis Series ZeroOne.

At level 1, unlocks a basic weapon called Neodachi™ and an ability called PowerFlip. It evolves an ability called Virtual Overdrive starting at level 5, and later develops an ability called Qi::HyperGuardian® starting at level 9.


Cyber Ninja X

MCN #08

Passive Ability
ExaVolt Capacitor
Base Abilities
Neodachi™ Forms (attack and defense)
Unlockable Abilities
Virtual Overdrive
150 kg

Origin Story

2087 CE, Japan is now under martial law. Cyber samurai patrol the streets, cruelly punishing the innocent. The Makushido Corporation has an undisputed grip on the brainwaves of the masses. A lone blade has risen to stop them.

Humanity, the planet, life itself is not what it once was. In the near future, people lost faith in their own identities. Ideas of purpose and meaning became diluted over the past century as the progress of technology excelled faster than we could psychologically evolve. Our curiosity and willingness to innovate and create ultimately led to the downfall of what made us human. Materialism replaced emotions, the need for efficiency and output replaced empathy, and governments and institutions based on ethics, were replaced by trillion dollar mega corporations. The power shifted from elected leaders to self-made business tyrants who had more influence over the lives of people than the political bodies that once governed them. The world eventually decided that it didn’t need governments any more, that we could be ruled, organised and managed by these enterprises who’s only concern was the increase of profits and the expansion of power. The Corporations promised a far better lifestyle, that we would live bountiful lives filled with all the pleasures we could desire. A fair life with reward based on how hard one would work. We were fooled, hypnotised. Humanity had arrived at the doorstep of a dark future.


Cities were now autonomous machines, their cultures a hollow husk of what they once were. Forms of street art and old tacky neon-lit restaurants dot the streets. Giant hologram commercials block out the skyline. Dark metal buildings, lit by colourful advertisements, radiate a hypnotic web of artificial colour and light within the dark and bleak neo-urban reality.

Japan was one of the last countries able to uphold fragments of their fading culture.

Makushido Corporation

By the year 2078, a man named Hideaki Makushido had control of 90% of Japan’s industrial and commercial output, which in turn meant that Hideaki had complete control of the Japanese populace. Making his company, Makushido Corporation, into one of the largest and most powerful mega-corporations in the world.

The people lived in a charade of the reality taking place around them - Using advanced technology such as memory implantation, hyper-reality fabrication, advanced cybernetics, narcotics, and deep virtual reality - to escape their grim lives. These technological and pharmaceutical marvels were the main tools used by the Mega-corps to control our lives and eventually our minds. Highly advanced forms of entertainment and services were put in place to keep people distracted from the over-polluted and bleak outside world. Makushido produced and provided the most advanced and widespread forms of this technology to Japan, having a firm grip on the brain function of the 1 billion lives that now lived there.

Rising Sun

Hideaki had a great fascination in the way of the samurai and the power of the Shogun during the feudal age of Japan. He spent most of his private hours studying the histories and stories of his once proud culture. Most of his peers knew of his fascination, however, none knew how extreme and fanatical he really was. On the 3rd of October 2082, Makushido declared himself Shogun of the newly formed Empire of the Rising Sun.

Cyber Samurai Killbots

In secret, Hideaki Makushido was constructing a private military of cyber-trained Samurai. The army was made of robot warriors that were led by a human with the psychological rank of ‘No Body’ (空所 - Kūsho). These individuals were skilled warriors, captured, brainwashed, and experimented on by the Makushido corp. In an unconscious state, they were put through millions of simultaneous cyber training simulations, designed to completely rewire brain functionality, morphing them into the perfect killing machines. These warriors served as loyal commanders for Makushido’s army of neo-samurai. Hideaki had ordered 5 million brainwashed and cyber-trained samurai, who were designed to strengthen his grip on the newly formed Empire.


There are stories of an Agent who managed to break free of Makushido’s domination and now works from the shadows as a vigilante. He is referred to as The Ronin. Most do not believe in his existence for he hides from the streets and alleys, climbing from rooftop to rooftop, observing the suffering of his people, and making his just intervention when he deems necessary. Nothing is known about the cyborg’s human life, or anything about his past. All we know, is that during his training in Makushido’s deep science facility, an unknown agent attempted to restore the man’s consciousness by flooding his brain with neurotoxin - almost stopping his heart. The process saturated his newly formed datacore in a phenomenal amount of Shin (精神 - Seishin). While not completely restoring his consciousness, the one they call Ronin breached the facility. Makushido deployed his deadliest forces to hunt him down, from Tactical Cybersamurai to Kazashi-45 Battle-Drones, The Ronin is always under pursuit.


In hushed whispers, the many citizens of Imperial Japan share stories of The Ronin, his name becoming that of a legend amongst the people. There have been passing stories, telling of his liberation of entire labour and mining camps. And his successful infiltration and sabotage of large-scale military operations and facilities. Ronin’s blade is said to be the swiftest, his sword arm has met legions of samurai and all have fallen before him. As he searches for his soul, Ronin attempts to restore the hope and humanity of the downtrodden and enslaved.



MegaCity-01 Techno-Metropolis.

Physical Description

Ronin wears full body lightweight combat armour. His left sword-arm is exposed - a tattoo with a forgotten meaning covers the upper arm. He wears a combat helmet with an internal Augmented Reality HUD. The data streams from his sword and armour are connected into his spinal column and jacked into his brain stem via a brain computer interface (BCI) adaptor, kindly provided by XomTek Industries.

His sword is made of an enhanced steel carbon-nanotube alloy, which resembles the structure of Damascus steel. The blade-edge is formed from a tungsten allotrope and is chemically sharpened, able to cut at the atomic level. It bears the mark of a phoenix - The signature of a legendary weaponsmith named 白い雲 (Shiroi Kumo)

Bone Structure


Genesis Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality games are one of the most popular genres in mobile gaming. They fuse together the real world and the digital world, immersing players into an entirely new experience. And while there are a ton of great AR games out there, few can compare to Genesis.

In this game, you are tasked with restoring balance to a broken world by defeating the seven guardians. With its stunning graphics and engaging gameplay, Genesis is quickly becoming a favorite for AR gamers everywhere.

The Genesis Augmented Reality game is an innovative new way to play video games. Using a special headset, players are able to see and interact with virtual objects and characters in their real-world environment.

The game includes a variety of different levels and challenges, and players can use a variety of different weapons and tools to defeat their enemies. The game can be played solo or with friends, and it offers a unique and immersive gaming experience. If you're looking for something new and exciting to play, the Genesis Augmented Reality game is definitely worth checking out.

Get started with Genesis Augmented Reality

Augmented reality gaming is definitely the future. With the rapid development of technology, augmented reality will only become more advanced and realistic. This means that we can expect to see even more amazing augmented reality games in the future. It will replace many real life objects and experiences. If you're looking for something new and exciting in the world of video games, augmented reality is worth checking out.

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