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#004 - Aurora

Spectral Assassin



Aurora (Japanese: 狼鬼暗殺者 Wolf Ghost Assassin) is a dual-type BioForm/Ghost Vessel introduced in Genesis Series ZeroZero.

At level 1, unlocks Spectral Talons and an Invisibility skill called Spirit Realm. It evolves an ability called Vorpal Strike starting at level 5, and later develops an ability called Blood Circle starting at level 8.

Genesis Augmented Reality playable character called Aurora in Augmented Reality on a table
~ "Aurora in Augmented Reality"


Spectral Assassin

MCN #04

Aurora AR Card (Spectral Assassin) for Genesis AR card game. Genesis Augmented Reality AR Cards
Passive Ability
Base Abilities
Spectral Talons
Morph: Spirit Realm
Unlockable Abilities
Vorpal Strike
Blood Circle
1.54 m
56 kg

Origin Story


Deep within the ancient forests of Britannia, resided the druids – old, wise men that wielded a great magical power entwined with nature. For 8,000 years, the druids thrived on the powerful energies that flowed within the deep and mystical forests of Britannia. The many peoples who came and went from the Isle and the many kings who ruled over it, all respected the power and knowledge of the druids. Their magic greatly affected a young Celtic girl named Aela who would later become known as the light of the north, Aurora.


The druids told Aela of the deepest and most hidden part of the forest, where sunlight failed to reach. They spoke of an extremely powerful and magical beast that dwelled within that place. They said it had lived in the forests long before all other creatures and could even be the source of magic within the forest. However, none of the druids had ever seen this beast in the flesh, being too old to traverse the long and rugged journey to the beast's den. Aela believed that it could provide her people with great power. The druids warned her against her judgement, for the beast was far more powerful than she would ever realise. Regardless of what the druids cautioned, Aela knew she had to find this beast, she could feel it calling to her deep within her soul.


After many days, the huntress finally found the place that the druids spoke of. A great cave, carved into a cliff face. Statues of ancient stone guided her way towards its maw. As she approached, she could feel the rich and powerful energies pulsing between the trees. Ebbing and flowing through the forest like the rush of a river. She could feel a powerful energy, more powerful than anything she felt before. The magic, surging into her veins. As she continued her approach, a blinding light emitted from the cave, piercing her mind. As if in a dream, she saw it, the beast. It was a great wolf, the largest she had ever seen, with glowing icy-blue fur and eyes as silver as her father’s jewellery. As Aela admired this beast of such powerful beauty, she knew that this creature was the soul of the forest.


The beast spoke to her in a language without words. And she understood - a strange knowing - it was waiting for her to return. They fused once more, souls entwining, entangling in a cacophony of light, the beast transmitting itself into her mind. She gains the memories of many ages past. Her soul stretched across the Aeons - she lives many life ages. Experiencing birth, death, and rebirth from many perspectives. Once as a bird, another as a fish. Another as a frog, a mouse, a snake, eagle, owl. Until all walks of life were exhausted. Upon awakening from her dream, she was changed. No longer Aela, she had become more creature than human, and could no longer live a normal life. She resided in the realms of Nature as one of it's ruler, gaining the ability to traverse fairy paths and ghost roads, giving her passage throughout the Otherworld.

Memory Fragment

Grimoire found in an Umbrian cave

As the passages of time consumed her given name, she ultimately became known as Aurora - Light of the North - after the glowing marks on her body that shined brighter than all the lights in the polar night sky. She became a legend amongst the Celtic people for generations, her legend whispered throughout the northern realms, protecting the people from dark forces and invading armies for many years to come. Often, in times of dire strife, she would appear on the battlefield as a ghostly apparition. Slaying devious kings and mages in their sleep, routing entire armies who would have otherwise decimated her people.



Hidden temples deep within the forests of Britannia - Thick with jungles of thistle, creeping vines, ancient oak and pine.

Physical Description

Half woman, half wolf spirit. She posseses claws of blue Ghostmetal fused into her hands. Glowing sigils of druidic power are tattooed on her skin.

Bone Structure

Primarily upright humanoid with canine-like feet and ankles. Bone structure of the spine extends past the Coxis (Tailbone) into an elongated tail. Bones exhibit properties of ghost metal - a substance not found in the mortal realm - bestowing upon her blessings of extreme speed, strength and instinct.

Genesis Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality games are one of the most popular genres in mobile gaming. They fuse together the real world and the digital world, immersing players into an entirely new experience. And while there are a ton of great AR games out there, few can compare to Genesis.

In this game, you are tasked with restoring balance to a broken world by defeating the seven guardians. With its stunning graphics and engaging gameplay, Genesis is quickly becoming a favorite for AR gamers everywhere.

The Genesis Augmented Reality game is an innovative new way to play video games. Using a special headset, players are able to see and interact with virtual objects and characters in their real-world environment.

The game includes a variety of different levels and challenges, and players can use a variety of different weapons and tools to defeat their enemies. The game can be played solo or with friends, and it offers a unique and immersive gaming experience. If you're looking for something new and exciting to play, the Genesis Augmented Reality game is definitely worth checking out.

Get started with Genesis Augmented Reality

Augmented reality gaming is definitely the future. With the rapid development of technology, augmented reality will only become more advanced and realistic. This means that we can expect to see even more amazing augmented reality games in the future. It will replace many real life objects and experiences. If you're looking for something new and exciting in the world of video games, augmented reality is worth checking out.

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