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#010 - Aeomir

Warmage of Aesgaard



Aeomir (Japanese: 虚空の雪王 Snow King of the Void) is a dual-type Magic/Ice Vessel introduced in Genesis Series ZeroZero.

At level 1, unlocks a basic weapon called Ice Trident and an ability called Big Frost Lance. He evolves an ability called Deep Freeze starting at level 3, and later develops an ability called Portal: Icy Comet starting at level 7.


Warmage of Aesgaard

MCN #10

Passive Ability
Base Abilities
Snow Trident
Big Frost Lance
Unlockable Abilities
Deep Freeze
Portal: Ice Comet
2.5 m
210 kg

Origin Story

Aesgaard and Vanatar - Circa ???

Aesgaard and Vanatar were neighbouring worlds in a distant star system, both were settled at the same time by refugees from a civilisation that saw its doom tens of thousands of years ago.

A Planet of Ice

Aesgaard was a cold and harsh planet that bred the war-like and proud Aesar who settled across the icy tundra. Savage tribes fought each other for centuries until they were united under a single warlord who dominated the Aesar, his name was Odin.

A World of Lush Jungle

On Vanatar, the fair and intelligent Vanar built a wondrous civilisation on the lush forest world that they had been so lucky to find. With huge sprawling cities of art, science and culture, the Vanar prospered in their new world.


In the depths of the forests of Vanatar, the Vanar found a great tree that towered above the forest, radiating light and powerful energy. The Vanar studied the tree and gained knowledge and abilities that they never thought possible. The greatest mages discovered a way to create portals to other worlds that grew like fruits on the branches of the tree. They used these portals to travel into other realms and realities, expanding their knowledge of the arcane and making contact with strange new worlds. The tree was named the world tree, Yggdrasil.


One of the worlds that the Vanar gained access to was the neighbouring world of Aesgaard, where the Aesar had been united under Odin for almost three hundred years. They had become a strong and violent people whose way of life revolved around war and conquest. Upon contact, the Aesar invaded Vanatar, where Odin and his warriors raided and pillaged the land. For ten decades, the fighting raged on. Raids evolved into total war and continued to a stalemate until Odin found the keys to his victory.

"Water drops become tears of blood. The world will be torn asunder. A frozen heart, shattered, turns the wheel. Lord of Winter brings forth Lord of War, giving him the love he needs to smite his enemy."

Odin believed that his quest was to travel to Nelfada, the realm of the Ice Giants, and slay their king Ymir whose heart was said to be the coldest of all. He thought the heart of the Ice Giant could be used as a weapon against the Vanar.

A Rift in Time

Odin gathered his most powerful mages to study the rift that the Vanar had used to travel to Aesgaard. Their task was to replicate the technology. The Aesar mages were known for their understanding of war-magic yet had no understanding of the complex energies and forces required to control the "Void". To create a tear in space and time was something almost incomprehensible to the Aesar psyche. Hundreds of Aesar mages died during the experiments, their souls sucked into the void or their minds stretched and warped beyond repair. However, after many failed attempts, the Aesar were able to create their own rift and expand their reach to Nelfada. A gain paid in blood - in Odin's mind - a necessary sacrifice.

Lord of Winter

Rallying his greatest warriors, Odin marched on the throne of the Ice Giants. The titanic beasts fought monstrously to defend their king but the sheer rage and drive of the Aesar allowed them to defeat the Giants. Ymir and Odin duelled for what appeared to be several days. An epic sight of two colossal forces that cracked and sundered the frozen earth of Nelfada. Odin managed to defeat the lord of winter and upon the final blow, Ymir froze completely. His body shattering in a great explosion that covered the world in a devastating blizzard. The storm was immense and of great power, destroying the battered remains of Odin’s army. After days of ferocious wind and ice, the blizzard cleared, and all that remained of the lord of winter was his frozen heart at the bottom of a deep crater. As Odin approached the heart, he saw a child, calmly asleep inside of it, as if it were in a cradle of blue crystal.

Crystal Heart

Odin raised the child, acting upon the tenets of the prophecy. He grew a fondness for the child, a fondness he had not felt for his many other children. The warlord of Aesgaard named him Aeomir, referring in part to Ymir and also to Aegir. The boy wore the name as a burden, the other sons of Odin treated Aeomir poorly for not being one of Odin’s true sons. Aeomir spent much of his early life secluded and studying the arcane, eventually developing a natural affinity to ice. However Odin was not impressed with his sons activities, he believed that Aeomir were to become a gargantuan warrior, given that he came from the heart of a giant.


He continued his studies of magic and mastered the power to manipulate ice when he came of man’s age. Although he resisted his fathers wishes, Odin’s frustration and fondness for Aeomir grew. Odin prepared his son for destiny, for war. During the final conquests of Vanatar, Aeomir becomes warmage of Aesgaard.

Absolute Zero

Ultimately learning to manipulate Genesis itself, Aeomir combines powers of ice and void to build a fortress in a frozen sector of space which he called Absolute Zero. A place so cold, that time and space became stagnant, a place where Aeomir could study and gain power without the constraints of space, time or his father.



When not on the field of battle or traversing the Voids of Yggdrasil, Aeomir’s domain is his frozen fortress, Absolute Zero. It is a stellated object that sits between a group of frozen planets. The fortress doubles as an observatory that he uses to study a nearby black hole.

Physical Description

Aeomir has long icy hair and a braided white beard - icicles will often form at its tips. He appears to be an old and grizzled man who is athletic and physically muscular. His eyes reflect the cosmos, and radiate with a ghostly blue glow. A closer look will reveal stars and galaxies behind his pupils. He dons a winged helmet, similar to Thor and Odin, however not quite as grand and glorified - in the top centre are set three gems. The middle being a bright icy blue, on the left a deep cosmic purple, and on the right a deep ocean blue. These gems provide Aeomir with a large amount of celestial energy and helps him channel the flows of ice and void. He wears a large mystical cloak - Its insides covered in stars, snow and ice. Aeomir wields a magical staff called the Grand Cosmic Trident, one of five such weapons ever forged. It's points signifying his mastery of ice, space and time.

Bone Structure

Aeomir's bone structure is that of a large and muscular Man. His bones are made from an unknown substance.

Genesis Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality games are one of the most popular genres in mobile gaming. They fuse together the real world and the digital world, immersing players into an entirely new experience. And while there are a ton of great AR games out there, few can compare to Genesis.

In this game, you are tasked with restoring balance to a broken world by defeating the seven guardians. With its stunning graphics and engaging gameplay, Genesis is quickly becoming a favorite for AR gamers everywhere.

The Genesis Augmented Reality game is an innovative new way to play video games. Using a special headset, players are able to see and interact with virtual objects and characters in their real-world environment.

The game includes a variety of different levels and challenges, and players can use a variety of different weapons and tools to defeat their enemies. The game can be played solo or with friends, and it offers a unique and immersive gaming experience. If you're looking for something new and exciting to play, the Genesis Augmented Reality game is definitely worth checking out.

Get started with Genesis Augmented Reality

Augmented reality gaming is definitely the future. With the rapid development of technology, augmented reality will only become more advanced and realistic. This means that we can expect to see even more amazing augmented reality games in the future. It will replace many real life objects and experiences. If you're looking for something new and exciting in the world of video games, augmented reality is worth checking out.

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