In The Beginning...
From the ashes of eternal chaos, a Great Harmony of light began, formed of three celestial beings – Orios (the Hands of Creation), Kromora (the Eyes of Fate), and Gaia (the Blood of Life). These great beings sacrificed themselves, creating the flow of time, the expanse of space, the very core of creation; life was born. Genesis was created.
A Great Evil
With absolute order - chaos was also born - Rharkon, The Great Old One. An eternal being born of apocalypse, suffering and chaos - arose from the shadow of the Old World - The world before creation - An influence that was unseen to the three creator gods until it was too late. The Great Old One was locked in eternal battle with Orios, Kromora, and Gaia; until their ultimate sacrifice destroyed it ... Or so they thought. As a final act of violence, it corrupted the newly formed Genesis with a malevolent influence. The pure threads of space and time were tainted, forever broken and cursed.
SpaceTime Portals
Time no longer flows as it should; disruptions known as Rifts bring disorder and chaos to the universe. These passageways connect different ages, and beings that travel them are exposed to the taint of the Old One, driving them forevermore towards chaos.
The Choice is Yours...
You are a Master of SpaceTime – a mortal chosen by Genesis to end the final influence of Rharkon. You must venture forth into Unknown Times, using your powers to eliminate SpaceTime anomalies and capture the powerful beings who have come through into our dimension. Your task is to fix the SpaceTime continuum. You must save your Timeline from the eternal darkness of SpaceTime collapse.
Chosen One – the fate of Time is in your hands. Do you accept your duty?